
Octopus’s Garden — My Story

A Close Encounter With A Deadly Octopus.

Image of a large brown octopus on a reef under the water
Image purchased by the author from IStock

Ringo’s Octopus’s Garden.

“I’d like to be under the sea in an octopus’s garden in the shade.
We would shout and swim about the coral that lies beneath the waves.”

Ringo Starr wrote this song for The Beatles in 1969. He says, “I wrote Octopus’s Garden in Sardinia. Peter Sellers had lent us his yacht and we went out for the day… I stayed out on deck with [the captain] and we talked about octopuses. He told me that they hang out in their caves, and they go around the seabed finding shiny stones and tin cans and bottles to put in front of their cave like a garden.”

This inspired him to write the song which was featured in the Beatle’s movie Yellow Submarine

Octopuses really are amazing creatures.

They are highly intelligent and live in cave-like dens in the rocks. They often close up the front of the cave with rocks and shells, leaving only a small entry hole through which they virtually ooze, coming and going from their homes.

When they catch their prey, especially crabs, they return to their dens to dine. Their garden is the collection of bones, spines, and shells left over from previous meals along with any shiny things they have collected, like tin cans.

Three hearts, renewable arms, and a built in shopping bag.

If you were an octopus, you would have three hearts; a sharp, horny beak; eight arms — any one of which you could re-grow if you lost it; be related to slugs and garden snails; able to change the colour of your skin or squirt ink to hide from your enemies. Octopuses do not have tentacles, but eight arms with a fine membrane (mantle) that unites them at the top.

An octopus may be clutching dozens of crabs and clams as it cruises the shore, using the mantle like a shopping bag, to take it full of food back to the den. To eat, they pass food from sucker to sucker to the hard beak in their mouth.

Beautiful But Deadly

Image of the deadly blue ringed octopus who bite is one of the most painful on the planet, has been known to kill humans, and who like to hide out in shells in shallow water. They are ferocious hunters and when their rings are bright blue, you know they are angry
Author’s image — Deadly Blue Octopus — purchased

Some octopus are dangerous, though — especially the little blue-ringed octopus that lives in rocks and crevices around Western Australian and other coast lines.

It spends most of its time hiding away, because lots of fish and seals like to eat them. It may pile up rocks in front of its hiding place — making a little octopus garden. If it gets excited or upset, it begins to display bright blue rings on its arm. This is always a warning sign that the octopus is upset.

We Met This Critter In Real Life

Once, when my kids were quite young, we were at the beach at Cottesloe and we had been swimming, snorkelling, and collecting stones and shells from the reef that is quite close to shore.

When we decided to pack up and go home, I asked the boys (Warren and Colin) to put all the shells and stones back in the water. After all, they were probably someone’s home. Little did we know!

While we were gathering everything together, a little octopus with bright blue rings came crawling out of one of the bigger shells and walked right across Warren’s arm.

We knew NOTHING about blue ringed octopus and thought it was pretty cute!

Warren just picked it off his arm and took it down to the water and let it go. We watched it quickly swim away. It’s a bit funny now, but it would not have been funny at all if it had bitten him because they can be deadly and give an excruciatingly painful bite.

Jet Propelled

Like all octopuses, it swims by forcing water through a funnel — making it jet propelled. If the blue-ringed octopus loses an arm, it can grow it back within six weeks — just as a crab can grow back a claw or a leg it has lost.

Curious, Intelligent, Smarter Than Dogs.

They are curious and intelligent, as befits their role as hunters; probably the most “intelligent” of invertebrates and have been shown to have the ability to learn from experience. It has been estimated that they are even smarter than dogs.

To snatch quick snacks, octopuses have been known to climb aboard fishing boats and open holds full of crabs.

The arm span of the largest octopus ever recorded was 32 feet and weighed 300 pounds. Squid have both eight arms and two tentacles, which are additional extra-long appendages used for capturing prey.

After mating, the female retires to her den and lays tens of thousands of eggs, which she weaves one at a time into strings attached to the ceiling of her den. She is unable to leave her den to forage for food for about six months, spending the whole time keeping the eggs clean by blowing water current over them.

When hatching starts, she will continue to blow water currents across the eggs to help the babies break free. Sadly, the weakened mother octopus dies; the father will have died within a few months of mating, leaving the thousands of newborn orphans to fend for themselves.

There’s a deep biological reason on why they die, after mating.

And some manage to wangle their way out of being eaten or dying too soon.

Tiny but Deadly

By comparison, the Indonesian Mimic Octopus, (Thaumoctopus mimicus) that was only discovered in 1998, is able to copy the physical likeness and movement of more than fifteen different species and discern which dangerous sea creature to impersonate to imitate the greatest threat to its current possible predator. It’s my favourite Octopus and the link is further down in the story.

Children Adore Face painting and Ocean Creatures Are Favourites.

For many years, I volunteered at local shows for the marine conservation group (Save Our Marine Life) and part of our attraction was to have face painting for children. It was magical. Little girls and boys aged four and five and six (and older) stood patiently in line for up to an hour, waiting to have a whale, an octopus, a penguin painted on their faces.

Not a cross word. Not a tear. Not a tantrum.

While they waited, the older ones wrote letters to the Prime Minister urging him to support marine sanctuaries. Brothers and sisters and cousins kept each other entertained while they waited their turn. Parents waited quietly too and wrote their letters as well.

Author’s image of a small girl having her face painted at a Save Our Marine Life stand at the Darlington Arts Festival. She is wearing a pink dress, sitting on the knee of the facepainter. Her two brothers are in the background, being face painted as well. The painters are both ladies, and are sitting on white plastic chairs.
Author’s Image for SOML at the Darlington Arts Festival

I can only surmise that it is the combination of the gentle touch of the paintbrush on their faces; being able to choose their own pictures and the intensity of the undivided attention of the painter with their canvas that creates such a level of patience and preparedness to wait their turn.

It was an experience I would not have missed for all the world.

I am not the world’s best face painter but I have a template which I can use and in my idle moments, I dream of painting glorious Octopus’s gardens.

Even better — I would like to live in the Underwater World that Debra Harry creates with her incredible art quilts.

Image of Debra Harry Arts Quilt — Called Octopus Garden. Published by permission of the artist.
Debra Harry Arts Quilt — Called Octopus Garden. Published by permission of the artist.

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Lesley Dewar There's always another story to tell
Lesley Dewar There's always another story to tell

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