
Feeling Utterly Grateful — For My Life, Health, Family, And Home.

My Successful Life Is Secure, With Good Health, Home, And A Loving family

Author’ s image. Lesley Dewar is wearing an elegant, beaded dress she bought in New York on one of her solo trips overseas. It was bought especially for a ball back in Perth, and the suitcase got lost by Virgin Airlines. Qantas delivered to her, just in time for Cinderella to go to the ball. The necklace sparkles in the light — she bought that with the dress and she has worn these sparkling earrings for more than 50 years.
Author's image — before she was crowned Festival Queen of Busselton 2024.

It’s important to stop, take stock, and be grateful 🙏 for our lives.

Today, I have taken time out to be utterly grateful for my life.

I am safely ensconced at Macca's, working on my phone and interacting with locals and other Medium writers.

Had my 6weekly hair appointment with Kylie (The Family Outback Hairdresser) and as always she has made me feel beautiful. (this was after the Gala Event, where I was photographed — because it was an impromptu decision to dress up and go!

Got crowned as Queen of the Busselton Festival 2024. I am happy about that!)

I have excellent health, especially given my age and some past experiences. Cancer not being the least of them, along with a couple of very badly broken legs from a traffic accident. (there is a story lurking about, waiting for me to write it and how a red dress saved my life!)

Surrounded by family who love me, support me, and watch out for me, I am totally blessed.

