Do You Understand The Difference Between The Two Yellow Stars On Medium?
They are definitely there for different reasons and it can be confusing.
There are TWO yellow stars ⭐ on Medium and you need to understand that.
READERS. Yellow star ⭐
The paid Medium membership is for those who want to read more than 3 stories a month.
That's it, in a nutshell.
They have a yellow star ⭐ alongside their profile picture on Medium. They are paying to read.
When they click on a link in Facebook, Medium can recognise whether they are a paying subscriber or not.
Anyone can join Medium, and write. For free.
But they cannot read more than 3 stories in a calendar month which have the yellow star ⭐ on it.
The Second Yellow Star
The second yellow star ⭐ is the one applied when the writer has put the story behind a paywall.
If they are a “free” writer they cannot respond to claps or comments on their own stories .
But with 100 followers, they can apply for and be accepted for MPP and get paid for being read.
Qualifying For MPP
I joined as a paid member because I love to read and share my own stories. I love commenting on other writers stories, too.
I qualified organically to get my first 100 followers
Qualifying for MPP
You cannot be accepted for the Medium Partnership Programme until you have 100 followers and have published at least one story
Many on Medium will not follow you as a writer if they can see you are not a paying member of Medium.
Who Pays You When Your Stories Are Read?
It's the MPP that pays you when other people read your stories.
If you want to read me — do it here