Do You Play The Hand Life Deals You?
That’s How Resilience Grows. It’s What We Face and Overcome That Strengthens Us.
Russian generals
Pondering time and patience
War, peace, love - who wins?
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy #haiku
These days, I like playing the hand I am dealt.
I play a lot of Patience on my iPad, and sometimes on the PC. That’s pretty well the only use I have for my iPad. I am not an Apple fan.
At night, it’s my way to wind down at the end of a busy day. A big mug of hot milk. Turn the brain “off”, watch the patterns, move the cards.
Or else I play Gin Rummy. That, I really enjoy because I have an idea of how the computer will play against me and I am up for taking a few risks.
When the score is 98 points and I only need to win the hand to win the game, I still play for a big score.
It’s fun and somewhat unpredictable, because a run of say, 3,4, and 5 will be replaced by three of a kind of any of those numbers. Then, add a 6, in the same suite, and the three of a kind is squashed.
What if I don’t like the look of the cards? I play them as they fall.
I used to regularly deal myself a new game, if I didn’t like the look of the cards.
Now, I play the hand I am dealt.
With practice, improved lateral vision and more intuitive thinking, my scores are improving all the time.
It’s a bit like life, I think.
You have to play the hand you are dealt - as best you can - and with practice and patience, you can make it better.
In spite of four or five trips to Las Vegas, I have never taken up gambling. I work too hard for my money to risk it on the tables or in the slot machines.
But, I am always ready to plan, weigh the odds and take a well calculated risk.