Drabble/Fiction Story/Random Word

Love and Lust —Being Lost in the Music

The anticipation of his voice is almost unbearable

Random Word Drabble Challenge Day 6 Word is Voice

Image of a beautiful woman about to kiss a man — he has a stubble of a beard — the image is black and while — she has long straight hair down to the shoulders, He is wearing a shirt with no collar
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash
  • Because a drabble is quite short (only 100 words) please read to the end of this story. Clapping and highlighting helps, and getting your comments is a delight. I will respond to everyone.

She is anxious to get home — shower — and prepare.

Oblivious to traffic, weaving skillfully through road works and workers with their “Go Slow” signs waving her to stop or go, it is only his voice she wants to hear.

Assignation planned, there’s no CD playing now to relax her tense, lithe limbs. That’s part of the game.

Want, need, wait, lean into it when it comes.

Feel the waves of ecstasy wash you away, while the headphones exclude all but his voice.

She revels in anticipation. But this is a new song — a new voice.
“Let It Be Me Tonight”

